Saturday, January 24, 2009

Who was the best?

Hey Warrior fans we have a fun question for you, which team over the past 3 years was the best team overall? This is a question that can be debated for hours and in all honesty there is not one clear cut favorite. Each of the three teams had a ton of the same strengths and weaknesses but each team had a different dynamic that made them the special team they were. Obviously each team was so good and had many of the same players on the team but as the younger players grew older they also had to change there roles on the team. The greatest part of this poll is that choosing the best team is so difficult as they were all awesome and each gave us so many great memories. The one thing I think we all can agree in is that over the past 3 season there has not been a better team in all of Division II then the Winona State Warriors!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The 2006 team is the best of the bunch. They were a team of destiny that had multiple come from behind victories during the final run and then man-handled the defending national champs in the Championship game. All of it done with their all-american point guard playing limited minutes do to his foot/ankly injury.

    John Smith arguably, played the best defense of his career while in Springfield that year and Zellmann was not to be denied his magical senior run (did he really have a 4 point play in every game of the elite 8?). Those two things in combination with Q and Jonte playing well/finding their game and Curt playing the best basketball of his WSU career (yes I said it and yes it's true) equals the best team in WSU history.
