In this edition of "Get to Know Your Warriors" we will get to senior Josh Korth of Chanhassen, MN. Josh is a fifth year senior at Winona State University and will be finishing up his degree this coming spring.
What is your full name? Joshua John Korth
What are your parent(s) names? Mike and Kathy Korth
Do you have any brothers/sisters? Sister Christy 26
Do you have any pets? Yellow Lab (Kobe)
What is your major here at WSU? Business Administration Major and a Marketing Minor
Why did you select WSU? Nice area, not too big or too small of town, liked coaches and players, far enough from home but not too far for parents to come to games.
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite food? Duck
What is your favorite TV/Show? Entourage
What is your favorite movie? Sandlot
What is your favorite type of music? Classic Rock
What is currently playing in your Ipod/cd player? Akon
What is one interesting talent you have that people might not know? I'm pretty good at baseball
What is your dream job? Pro Golfer
What is your greatest sports achievement? 2 National Championships
What is your favorite type of basketball shoe? Nike Pumps
If you could select 3 people in the world do have dinner with who would they be? Why? Larry Bird, Jack Nicklaus, Ted Williams: Some of the best at their sports and my favorites
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Jamaica
If you could go to a major sporting event, which one would it be? World Series
Who have you looked up to the most in your life? Larry Bird
Who is your favorite actor/actress? Jessica Alba
Who is your favorite singer/artist? Akon
Who is your favorite professional sports team? Minnesota Twins
Who is the one person in life you would like to meet? Larry Bird
Who is your favorite basketball player? Ray Allen
Who is the best person you have ever played basketball against? Kris Humphries
Who is the cleanest person on our team? Brandon Stromer
Who is the messiest person on our team? Matt Smith
Who is the best dunker on the team? Brady Moore on an 8 foot hoop
Who is the best video game player on the team? I don’t play so I don’t know
Who on our team would you choose to be the President of the US? Why? Joel Armstrong because it would be great to hear his speaches
Who on our team is most likely to be famous? Why? Mike Muller (World Series of Poker)
If you had one word of advice for people what would it be? Be the best you can be
We have know Josh since he was a small boy and not only has he always been a dedicated, hard working athlete, he has also always been a kind, caring, considerate young man. Way To Go Josh!!!